Asking for help This (to me) is one of the most important skills in IT and life. This is a skill in the sense that there is a mastering element to how, who, and where to ask for help.
DNA sequencing with Python dna=input(“Enter a DNA sequence, please:”) The student tries three different ways to compute the index of the second occurrence of the string ‘atg’ in the dna sequence: print(‘dna’) o1 = dna.
Collections on thoughts and lessons on bioinformatics
The purpuse of this serie is to highlight the elements in terms of mindset that I found useful to progress. You may take it as advices but each has its own reason of being to make life a lot more easy
Fisher’s Exact Test Enrichment Analysis (EA) Over Representation Analysis (ORA) [[Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)]] Microarrays RNA-Seq [[Introduction to Bioinformatics]]
Docking Computational docking is a modeling 3D tool for protein-ligand complexes. CAPRI ab initio docking ab initio, non-template or free modeling There are several different “ab initio” in bioinformatics, e.g.:
[@bioinformaticsdotcaFindingOverRepresentedPathways2016] [[Enrichment Score (ES)]]
[[Normalized Enrichment Score (NES)]]