The second part is concerned with software. This is meant to be automated. To create the working environment as fast as possible with an ISO and a script attached to a USB.

Tech sandwich

Linux Distribution gets the code for all the applications and build them into packages, is a shipment.

Desktop environment

Distribution (Distro)

Window Manager

Tile Manager

X Window System

Linux kernel

First released in 1991. Today this kernel is extremely common in technology.

GNU tools

Started in 1980s by Richard Stallman and is an alternative to UNIX.

Boot loader

The first software that run. It does it through the MBR (or GPT) partition on the hard drive. It boots the kernel. The most common boot loader is GRUB.


In this case, Bash/Powershell is an ideal shell. But is not only about the shell but things that can be added to improve the shell experience:



This last link DOES generate a link in Obsidian but not a working site in Netlify Improving-the-shell-experience

This is a new test on the way Obisdian creates links. Settings: same folder /relative path:




This is a new note to test the way Obsidian NOW links new elements




Gary Javier Espitia Sudea
Gary Javier Espitia Sudea

My research interests genetics, bioinformatics, scientometrics and statistics.